You are here: Modules > Pastoral / Behaviour > Pastoral Management Module > Adding Pastoral Records

About Adding Pastoral Records

You can add pastoral records relating to individual or groups of pupils about the same incident or concern using the Pastoral Management module.

After an initial pastoral record has been logged, subsequent developments, decisions and actions can be added to it as Notes. This can be done as soon as the initial record is created or at a later time or date, as required.

Pastoral care often requires a range of staff to undertake roles to help and support pupils. The Pastoral Management module helps you manage specific, allocated tasks through Actions. Added as part of a note, actions include a summary of the task that must be completed and are assigned to staff with a deadline. A list of actions for each user to complete appears on their Pastoral Management dashboard, providing a convenient, single place where staff can see what they need to do.

User's Pastoral Management dashboard with Requires Action By Me section highlighted

A list of recently added pastoral records that a user can access, whether they have a specific action to complete or not, also appears on their dashboard.

Pastoral Management dashboard with Recent Activity highlighted

These procedures incorporate the completion of GIRFEC information. (Applicable for Scottish schools only.) For details, see About GIRFEC.